Financial and ESG Report

Legal risk related to fx-mortgage loan book

On December 31, 2021, the Bank had 11,070 loan agreements and additionally 913 loan agreements from former Euro Bank (94% loans agreements before the Court of first instance and 6% loans agreements before the court of second instance) under individual ongoing litigations (excluding claims submitted by the bank against clients i.e. debt collection cases) concerning indexation clauses of FX mortgage loans submitted to the courts with the total value of claims filed by the plaintiffs amounting to PLN1,512.4 million and CHF121.3 million (Bank Millennium portfolio: PLN1,391.9 million and CHF119.0 million and former Euro Bank portfolio: PLN120.4 million and CHF2.3 million). 

The claims formulated by the clients in individual proceedings primarily concern the declaration of invalidity of the contract and payment for reimbursement of allegedly undue performance, due to the abusive nature of indexation clauses, or maintenance of the agreement in PLN with interest rate indexed to CHF Libor. 

In addition, the Bank is a party to the group proceedings (class action) subject matter of which is to determine the Bank’s liability towards the group members based on unjust enrichment (undue benefit) ground in connection with the foreign currency mortgage loans concluded. It is not a payment dispute. The judgment in these proceedings will not grant any amounts to the group members. The number of credit agreements covered by these proceedings is 3,281. At the current stage, the composition of the group has been established and confirmed by the court. The proceedings entered the phase of reviewing the case on the merits. A decision on the admission of evidence will be taken by the court  at a closed session. The next hearing will be scheduled ex officio. 

The pushy advertising campaign observed in the public domain affects the number of court disputes. Until the end of 2019, 1,981 individual claims were filed against the Bank (in addition, 236 against former Euro Bank), in 2020 the number increased by 3,007 (267) while in 2021 the number increased by 6,149 (417). 

Based on ZBP (the Polish Banking Association) data gathered from all banks having FX mortgage loans, vast majority of disputes were finally resolved in favour of banks until 2019 year. However, after the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) judgment issued on 3 October 2019 (Case C-260/18) the proportion have adversely changed and vast majority of court cases have been lost by banks, particularly in first instance proceedings. As far as the Bank itself is concerned, until 31 of December 2021 only 245 cases were finally resolved (210 in claims submitted by clients against the Bank and 35 in claims submitted by the Bank against clients i.e. debt collection cases). 60% of finalised individual lawsuits against the Bank were favourable for the Bank including remissions and settlements with plaintiffs. Unfavourable rulings (40%) included both invalidation of loan agreements as well as conversions into PLN+LIBOR. The Bank submits cassation appeals to the Supreme Court against unfavourable for the Bank legally binding verdicts. On the other hand, the statistics of first instance court decisions have been much more unfavourable in recent periods and its number has also increased. In general, the Bank submits appeals against 1st instance negative court rulings. 

The outstanding gross balance of the loan agreements under individual court cases and class action against the Bank on 31.12.2021 was PLN4,382 million (of which the outstanding amount of the loan agreements under the class action proceeding was PLN962 million PLN).

If all Bank Millennium’s loan agreements currently under individual and class action court proceedings would be declared invalid without proper compensation for the use of capital, the pre-tax cost could reach PLN4,020 million. Overall losses would be higher or lower depending on the final court jurisprudence in this regard.  

In 2021, the Bank created PLN2,086.0 million provisions and PLN219.2 million for former Euro Bank originated portfolio. The final level of provisions for the Bank Millennium portfolio at the end of December 2021 was at the level of PLN3,078.9 million, and PLN253.7 million for former Euro Bank originated portfolio. 

2,086.0 PLN


The methodology developed by the Bank is based on the following main parameters:  

  1. the number of current (including class action) and potential future court cases that will appear within a specified (three-year) time horizon, 
  2. the amount of the Bank’s potential loss in the event of a specific court judgment three negative judgment scenarios were taken into account:
    • invalidity of the agreement
    • average NBP
    • PLN + LIBOR
  3. the probability of obtaining a specific court verdict calculated on the basis of statistics of judgments of the banking sector in Poland and legal opinions obtained. Variation in the level of provisions or concrete losses will depend on the final court decisions about each case and on the number of court cases. 
  4. in the case of a loan agreement invalidity scenario, a new component recognized in the methodology, taking legal assessments into consideration, is the calculation of the Bank’s loss taking into account the assignment of a minimum probability of receiving the settlement of a remuneration for the cost of use of capital.
  5. new component recognized in the methodology is the amicable settlement with clients in or out of court. Notwithstanding the Bank’s determination to continue taking all possible actions to protect its interests in courts, the Bank has been open to its customers in order to reach amicable solutions on negotiated terms, case by case, providing favourable conditions for conversion of loans to PLN and / or early repayment (partial or total). As a result of these negotiations the number of active FX mortgage loans was materially reduced in 2021. As the Bank is still conducting efforts to further signing of agreements which involved some costs, a scenario of further materialization of negotiations was added. However, it should be noted that:
    • negotiations are conducted on a case-by-case basis and can be stopped at any time by the Bank, 
    • as the effort was material in 2021, the probability of success is going down and at the same time, gradually most of the client base has had contact with the Bank regarding potential negotiation of the conversion of the loans to PLN, so the Bank is taking a conservative approach when calculating the potential future impact for the time being.

Legal risk from former Euro Bank portfolio is fully covered by Indemnity Agreement with Société Générale S.A. 

The Bank analysed the sensitivity of the methodology for calculating provisions, for which a change in the parameters would affect the value of the estimated loss to the legal risk of litigation: 

Parametr Scenario: Impact on loss due to legal risk related to the portfolio of mortgage loans in convertible currencies
Change in the number of lawsuits  Additionally, 1 p.p. of active clients file a lawsuit against the Bank  PLN56 million 
Change in the probability of winning a case  The probability of the Bank winning a case is lower by 1 p.p  PLN40 million 
Change in estimated losses for each variant of the judgment Increase in losses for each variant of the judgment by 1 p.p  PLN32.5 million 

The Bank is open to negotiate case by case favourable conditions for early repayment or conversion of loans to PLN. As a result of these negotiations the number of active FX mortgage loans decreased by 8,449 (including 69 confirmed in court) in 2021 compared to over 57,800 active loans agreements at the end of 2020. Cost incurred in conjunctions with these negotiations totalled PLN 364.3 million year to date and is presented mainly in ‘Result on exchange differences’ in the profit and loss statement. 

Finally it should also be mentioned, that the Bank, as at 31.12.2021, had to maintain additional own funds for the coverage of additional capital requirements related to FX mortgage portfolio risks (Pillar II FX buffer) in the amount of 2.82 p.p. (2.79 p.p. at the Group level), part of which is allocated to operational/legal risk. 

It can reasonably be assumed that the legal issues relating to foreign currency mortgage loans will be further examined by the national courts within the framework of disputes considered which would possibly result in the emergence of further interpretations, which are relevant for the assessment of the risks associated with subject matter proceedings. This circumstance indicates the need for constant analysis of these matters. Further requests for clarification and ruling addressed to the European Court of Justice and Polish Supreme Court have already been filed and may still be filed with potential impact on the outcome of the court cases. 

On 29 January 2021, a set of questions addressed by the First President of the Supreme Court to the full Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court was published. This may have important consequences in terms of clarifications of relevant aspects of the court rulings and their consequences. The Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court has been requested for answering the questions concerning key matters related to FX mortgage agreements: (i) is it permissible to replace – with the law provisions or with a custom – the abusive provisions of an agreement which refer to FX exchange rate determination; moreover, (ii) in case of impossibility of determining the exchange rate of a foreign currency in the indexed/denominated credit agreement – is it permissible to keep the agreement still valid in its remaining scope; as well as (iii) if in case of invalidity of the CHF credit there would be applicable the theory of balance (i.e. does arise a single claim which is equal to the difference between value of claims of bank and the customer) or the theory of two condictions (separate claims for the bank and for the client that should be dealt with separately). The Supreme Court has also been requested for answering the question on (iv) from which point in time there shall be starting the limitation period in case of bank’s claim for repayment of amounts paid as a loan and (v) whether banks and consumers may receive remuneration for using their pecuniary means by another party. 

On 11 May, the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court requested opinions on Swiss franc mortgage loans from five institutions including the National Bank of Poland (NBP), the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (UKNF), the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Children’s Rights Ombudsman and the Financial Ombudsman.  

The positions of: the Commissioner for Human Rights, the Children’s Rights Ombudsman and the Financial Ombudsman are in general favourable to consumers, while the National Bank of Poland and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority present a more balanced position, including fair principles of treatment of FX mortgage borrowers vis-à-vis PLN mortgage borrowers, as well as balanced economic aspects regarding solutions for the problem that could be considered by the Supreme Court. 

In the next meeting of the Supreme Court that took place on 2 September 2021, the Court did not address the answers to the submitted questions and no new meeting date is known. The Bank will assess in due time the implications of the decisions of the Supreme Court on the level of provisions for the legal risk. 

With the scope of settlements between the Bank and borrower following the fall of the loan agreement is also connected the legal issue directed to the seven-person composition of the Supreme Court (case sign: III CZP 54/21). The date of case review has not been specified yet. 

The Supreme Court was also presented with the issue of whether the loan agreement is a mutual agreement in the light of the regulations concerning retention right. 

In August 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) was asked for a preliminary ruling (C-520/21) whether, in the event that a loan agreement concluded by a bank and a consumer is deemed invalid from the beginning due to unfair contract terms, the parties, in addition to the reimbursement of the money paid in contracts (bank – loan capital, consumer – instalments, fees, commissions and insurance premiums) and statutory interest for delay from the moment of calling for payment, may also claim any other benefits, including receivables in particular, remuneration, compensation, reimbursement of costs or valorisation of the performance. 

Notwithstanding the above, there are a number of further questions addressed by Polish courts to the European Court of Justice which may be relevant for the outcome of the court disputes in Poland.  

The subject matter questions relate, in particular, to: 

  • the possibility of replacing of an abusive contractual clause with a dispositive law provision; 
  • the limitation period of a consumer claims concerning reimbursement of benefits made as performance of an agreement which has been declared to be invalid; 
  • the possibility of declaration by the Court of abusiveness of only part of a contractual provision. 

On December 8, 2020, Mr. Jacek Jastrzębski, the Chairman of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (‘PFSA’) proposed a ‘sector’ solution to address the sector risks related to FX mortgages. The solution would consist in offering by banks to their clients a voluntary possibility of concluding arrangements based on which a client would conclude with the bank a settlement as if his/her loan from the very beginning had been a PLN loan bearing interest at an appropriate WIBOR rate increased by the margin historically employed for such loan. 

Following that public announcement, the idea has been subject of consultations between banks under the auspices of the PFSA and Polish Banking Association. Banks in general have been assessing the conditions under which such solution could be implemented and consequent impacts.  

As expressed in our previous financial reports, in the view of the Management Board of the Bank, important aspects to take into consideration when deciding on potential implementation of such program are : a) favourable opinion or at least non-objection from important public institutions; b) support from National Bank of Poland to the implementation; c) level of legal certainty of the settlement agreements to be signed with the borrowers; d) level of the financial impact on a pre- and after tax basis; e) capital consequences including regulatory adjustments in the level of capital requirements associated with FX mortgage loans.  

Based on current information some of the above mentioned aspects are not likely to be fully clarified and / or achieved.  

At the time of publishing this report, neither the Management Board nor any other corporate body of the Bank took any decision regarding implementation of such program. If / when a recommendation regarding the program would be ready, the Management Board would submit it to the Supervisory Board and General Shareholders meeting taking into consideration the relevance of such decision and its implications.  

Bank Millennium conducted a survey among its customers in cooperation with an external reputed company regarding the willingness to accept settlement in the terms of the sector solution put forward by the Chairman of KNF. 49% of clients enquired were preliminarily interested in benefitting from the proposal, while 25% were not able to clearly express their opinion and 26% would not take such offer. 

According to the current calculations, implementation of a solution whereby loans would be voluntarily converted to Polish zloty as if from the very beginning they had been a PLN loan bearing interest at an appropriate WIBOR rate increased by the margin historically employed for such loans, could imply provisions for the losses resulting from conversion of such loans (if all the then existing portfolio would be converted) with a pre-tax impact between PLN 4 390 million to PLN 4 848 million (not audited data). The impacts can significantly change in case of variation of the exchange rate and several assumptions. Impacts on capital could be partially absorbed and mitigated by the combination of the existing surplus of capital over the current minimum requirements, the reduction of risk weighted assets and the decrease or elimination of Pillar 2 buffer.  

Due to the complexity and uncertainty regarding the outcome of court cases, as well as from potential implementation of KNF Chairman solution or from potential Supreme Court decisions or European Court of Justice decisions, it is difficult to reliably estimate potential impacts of such different outcomes and their interaction as at the date of publication of the financial statements. 

More information on legal risk related to FX-mortgage loan book can be found in chapter 13 of the Annual Consolidated Financial Report of the Bank Millennium S.A. Capital Group for the 12-month period ending 31st December 2021. 

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