Financial and ESG Report

Employment and staff costs

Efficiency of human resources management is an important part of Bank Millennium Group’s strategy.

The Group monitors particular staff cost items as well as the number of FTEs, for some years now pursuing a policy of stable headcount. Staff rotation is monitored and reported on an ongoing basis. Headcount and efficiency of use of resources are verified against relevant market benchmarks. 


Employment in the Group
(in FTEs)
31.12.2021 31.12.2020 Change (y/y)
Number of Bank’s employees 6 598 7 164 -566
including key positions 156 159 -3
Subsidiaries 345 329 16
BM Group total  6 942 7 493 -550




Employment in the Bank
(in FTEs)
31.12.2021 31.12.2020 Change (y/y)
Branches and direct sales 4 213 4 572 -359
Head Office 2 385 2 592 -207
Total Bank Millennium 6 598 7 164 -566


The structure of employment in Bank Millennium demonstrates a definite majority of persons employed directly in sales of banking products and services, in particular in the network of the Bank’s branches located throughout Poland.  

The bank reduced employment in all areas as a result of continuing employment optimization after the merger with Euro Bank.  


Employment in the Bank
(in FTEs)
31.12.2021 31.12.2020 Change (y/y)
Direct Banking 704 738 -34
Digital 645 652 -7
Retail and corporate banking 3 509 3 834 -325
Support units 1 740 1 940 -199
Total Bank Millennium  6 598 7 164 -566


Remuneration policy of Bank Millennium Group aims to assure the staff remuneration is adequate given currently performed tasks, competencies and scope of responsibility. In particular much weight is attached to proper levels of base salary. Remuneration levels are verified with consideration of periodic evaluation of performance as well as possible evolution of the level of skills employed in performance of the organization’s tasks. Also remuneration information presented in surveys of salaries on the financial market is analysed. 

The total level of staff costs in Bank Millennium Group in 2021 and in the previous year was as follows: 


Staff costs
(in PLN million)
2021 2020 Change (y/y)
Bank Millennium 768.8 813.8 -5.5%
Subsidiaries 47.4 42.5 11.4%
Total Bank Millennium Group  816.2 856.3 -4.7%

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