Total net loans of Bank Millennium Group reached PLN78,603mn as at the end of December 2021 and grew 7% y/y. The growth of loans without foreign currency mortgage portfolio was visibly higher, at 15% y/y. FX mortgage loans net of provisions decreased visibly during the last twelve months (down 28%) and the share of FX mortgage loans (excluding these taken over with Euro Bank) in total gross loans has dropped substantially during the year to 11.4% on 31 December 2021 from 17% a year ago.
The net value of loans to households amounted to PLN59,546mn as at the end of December 2021, showing a growth of 8% y/y. Within this line PLN mortgages grew strongly by 29% y/y while growth rate of consumer loans slowed down to 4% y/y.
In 4Q21 disbursements of mortgage loans reached PLN2.8bn (the record quarterly value) and PLN9.75bn in the whole 2021, translating into an exceptionally high annual growth of 46%.
The net value of consumer loans reached PLN15,833mn growing by 4% y/y. Origination of cash loans rebounded in 2021 reaching the value of PLN5.6bn. The annual growth was high and reached +21% y/y.
Net value of loans to companies amounted to PLN19,058mn as at the end of December 2021 and increased by 4% y/y supported by rebound in leasing business (+8% y/y), after a period of deceleration due to adverse effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on new lending to companies.
The structure and evolution of loans to clients of the Group is presented in the table below:
Loans and advances to clients
(PLN million)
Loans to households
59 545.8
55 248.4
PLN mortgage loans
33 915.8
26 273.9
FX mortgage loans
9 797.1
13 678.9
of which Bank Millennium loans
9 046.6
12 690.8
of which ex-Euro Bank loans
consumer loans
15 832.8
15 295.6
Loans to companies and public sector
19 057.5
18 390.9
6 805.5
6 303.5
other loans to companies and factoring
12 252.0
12 087.4
Net loans & advances to clients
78 603.3
73 639.3
Net loans and advances to clients excluding FX mortgage loans
68 806.2
59 960.4
Impairment write-offs
2 440.6
2 489.4
Gross* loans and advances to clients
81 043.9
76 128.7
Average interest rate on the Bank’s portfolio in 2021 was 3.4%. This rate reflects net interest income on hedging derivatives (mainly FX and interest rate SWAPs) regarding loans granted in foreign currencies, which offsets the nominally lower interest rate on these loans.