Financial and ESG Report

Recruitment and professional development

Most job offers in the Bank Group are addressed to internal and external candidates. An employee who would like to develop his or her skills in some other area than up to now may express an interest in an internal job transfer.

Selected employees are assigned to interdepartmental projects initiated and supervised by the Bank’s Management Board. This affords an opportunity to share knowledge and gain new skills.

The number of people transferring internally in 2021 revisited the stable level from prior to the merger and the pandemic.

Internal recruitment – Bank Millennium* 2021 2020 2019 2018
Number of employees 158 753 87 95
* Data for Bank Millennium, without data on internal rotation in other Group’s companies

Employer branding activities are an important part of the Bank’s activity. They are cantered on several prospective employee groups: students and graduates, IT and Digital specialists, sales and support specialists and business development experts. Despite the persisting pandemic the Bank has efficiently adapted to the change and successfully carried out many different activities online. One example of such activities is the Week with Career Counsellors during which students had the opportunity to learn about career possibilities in Bank Millennium. Another event supported by the Bank was the BIG DATA conference organized by the Student Scientific Club on Statistics during which Bank experts presented issues in the technological area. Additionally, as part of the Sails of Business competition dedicated to smart organizations established by students and run by students, doctoral students or the graduates of the Warsaw School of Economics, the Bank acted in the capacity of a member of the competition jury. All of these activities were carried out in the Warsaw School of Economics. For several years the Bank has been a member of the Warsaw School of Economics’ Partners Club and closely cooperates with this university by playing an active role in academic life. Bank representatives take part in meetings with the Council of the Warsaw School of Economics’ Partners Club during which elements of the university’s strategy and the possibilities of educating students on key competences are discussed.

Bank Millennium also participated in virtual job fairs such as Jobicon and Warsaw IT Days. These types of events aimed to provide insight to prospective candidates on the specific nature of a job and the career development opportunities in the Bank. Job fairs also offer space to share professional knowledge on the merits with participants.

The Bank takes advantage of the communication opportunities afforded by social media such as LinkedIn and Goldenline and fifteen or so image and recruitment portals to reach candidates efficiently with information regarding the employer and job offers.

Programs are run in Bank Millennium in which employees who stand out through their above average commitment receive rewards.

IMPAKT Employee Reward Program in which employees reward their female and male work colleagues. In 2021, 48 employees were recognized for their commitment, improvement of quality, innovative solutions and accepting challenges to inspire others. The program gala and the awards ceremony took place virtually with some 120 persons in attendance. Additionally, the ceremony was aired live to all employees.

Once a year, the best employees and managers are rewarded with the President’s Prize for their above average professional achievements. In 2021 they were presented to 12 employees in the head office and the sales network.


[GRI 103-1], [GRI 103-2], [GRI 103-3] Training in Bank Millennium is a major part of daily activity and is treated as an investment in human capital. The purpose of training is to enhance the competences of employees, which translates into improving quality and work productivity and achieving current and future business objectives.

Every year Bank Millennium employees have an opportunity to participate in internal and external training and in conferences and congresses. On account of the pandemic, as part of the care for employee health, most training was administered remotely or in a hybrid form, while some was held on-site while observing the sanitary regime. Some of the training courses were delivered in the form of e-learning – e.g. “PLN and foreign currency teller course” and “Prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism”.

Number of e-learning training topicse-learning Group 2021 Bank 2021 Group 2020 Bank 2020 Group 2019 Bank 2019
1,009** 1,002** 490 495 483* 478*
* The increase stems from training ex Euro Bank employees
* The increase stems from migrating training sessions from two external platforms to the Bank’s internal training platform. The pandemic has also contributed to holding more training sessions online.

Introductory training for new Bank Millennium Group employees – these training sessions were held on a fully remote basis using the MS Teams software due to the pandemic.

Millennium Campus – a program to develop knowledge and skills with the objective of supporting the growth of innovation across the organization. The offer to participate in this program is addressed to all employees, it allows them to look at many topics from a different perspective. Lectures are held online, while recordings and aids are made available on the training platform and in the intranet in the World of Millennium. 11 remote meetings were held in 2021.

Training for branch and franchise network employees

  • Specialist introductory training for new employees in own branches and the franchise network.
  • Certification workshop on the Savings and Investment Model (MOI) – prepares people to sell savings and investment products according to the MIFID regulations and supplies knowledge about the standards required under the savings and investment model.
  • “Mortgage loans” – this training consists of three parts that constitute the successive parts of the process of introducing employees to the mortgage product and its sales.
  • “Phone sales” – learning about the practical skills of holding a sales call by phone while using the principles of influence and effective reasoning” for employees in the own network and the franchise network.
  • “Offer of business accounts for the franchise network” for employees.
  • “On the Critical Topic” – a one-day training session held on-site for the managers of retail and franchise outlets on the “On Topic” model. Workshop training held on-site has delivered knowledge and made it possible to practice the application of the standards described in the model.
  • “Savings and Investment Model (MOI) – 2021” – training on changes in the binding model for the sales of savings and investment products.
  • “Train the Trainer” training sessions for regional trainers to prepare them to run training on the sales model “On Topic” and the Savings and Investment Model (MOI).
  • Product and sales training sessions for retail network employees pertaining to credit products: Creditworthiness; Covid – restriction package; Creditworthiness; Consolidation- available immediately; Internal and external databases.
  • Product and sales training sessions for retail network employees pertaining to savings and investment products.
  • Training sessions for retail network employees presenting an account offering to commercial undertakings.
  • Specialist introductory training for new employees in own branches and the franchise network.
  • Certification workshop on the Savings and Investment Model (MOI) – prepares people to sell savings and investment products according to the MIFID regulations and supplies knowledge about the standards required under the savings and investment model.
  • “Mortgage loans” – this training consists of three parts that constitute the successive parts of the process of introducing employees to the mortgage product and its sales.
  • “Phone sales” – learning about the practical skills of holding a sales call by phone while using the principles of influence and effective reasoning” for employees in the own network and the franchise network.
  • “Offer of business accounts for the franchise network” for employees.
  • “On the Critical Topic” – a one-day training session held on-site for the managers of retail and franchise outlets on the “On Topic” model. Workshop training held on-site has delivered knowledge and made it possible to practice the application of the standards described in the model.
  • “Savings and Investment Model (MOI) – 2021” – training on changes in the binding model for the sales of savings and investment products.
  • “Train the Trainer” training sessions for regional trainers to prepare them to run training on the sales model “On Topic” and the Savings and Investment Model (MOI).
  • Product and sales training sessions for retail network employees pertaining to credit products: Creditworthiness; Covid – restriction package; Creditworthiness; Consolidation- available immediately; Internal and external databases.
  • Product and sales training sessions for retail network employees pertaining to savings and investment products.
  • Training sessions for retail network employees presenting an account offering to commercial undertakings.

Bank Millennium conducts training for employees of the Corporate Banking sales network, presenting financing opportunities for businesses from public programs, including the National Reconstruction Plan, Multi-year Financial Framework or EU funds. The training courses delivered in 2021 addressed the issues of innovation, financing the implementation of new products and services, support for conducting research and development in enterprises. These training courses both provide information to relationship managers about the programs, along with the criteria and parameters for financing new projects, and support in talks with clients about investments, in particular in the area of financing innovations, green investments and digitization.

Employees of the Corporate Banking area also participated in a series of training sessions entitled „Financing investment projects”, improving their competencies in analyzing investment projects of their clients. The Bank regularly provides relationship managers with knowledge of the current macroeconomic situation and its impact on the markets and the companies’ operations. We do this in the form of monthly webinars conducted by the employees of the Bank’s Macroeconomic Analysis Office. The information is supplemented by industry analyses made available on the intranet.

In 2021, all Corporate Banking relationship managers were invited to participate in storytelling training. Employees also participate in training on new solutions for Corporate Banking clients, as exemplified by webinars on Financial Shield 2.0 on applying for and forgiveness of subsidies in Millenet for Companies, a webinar on the document exchange module in Millenet, or a series of training sessions on solutions available to clients in eBOK Millennium Leasing.

On top of product training sessions ending with an exam to confer authorization to commence the sales of insurance, Bank employees who sell insurance products went through annual professional training sessions to enhance their competences in terms of performing tasks involving insurance intermediation. Besides legal issues much attention during training sessions is devoted to the general rules and practical aspects of distribution activity.

[GRI 404-2] Management programs

Management Development Program for the managers of retail outlets in the Bank’s own network. The following stages are part of this program: The ABCs of a contemporary manager, Goals, Development. The program’s goal is to improve the practical managerial skills of defining, communicating and controlling goals, building team commitment towards their active achievement and sales team management. Particular attention is focused on planning development activities and working on competences of employees in reference to the allocated tasks.

Management Competences Workshops for the IT area. Workshop participants worked on unifying their knowledge on the leadership competences used on their positions.

Lectures on processing personal data for the IT Area, Corporate Area, Retail Liabilities Collection Department, Millennium Goodie and Millennium TFI. The subject matter covered the most important issues concerning the processing of personal data and the legal requirements in this area.

Workshops on plain language. This training session was part of the plain language project across the bank. It prepared participants to play the role of a plain language consultant. Internal trainers continue to deliver training in the organization.

In 2021 the main tool used to deliver training and hold meetings was MS TEAMS. The implementation of the tools was accompanied by online training aiming to familiarize users with the tool functions and popularize it.

[GRI 404-1] Average number of training hours by gender and position

Bank Millennium Women Men Total
Average number of hours per employee 43.4 36.7 41.3
Management Board 26.5 26.5
Upper management 24.3 18.1 20.1
Management 45.1 35.7 41.4
Sales personnel 55.0 61.3 56.5
Technicians 15.3 13.0 14.3
Other employees 12.5 13.1 12.7

Bank Millennium Group Women Men Total
Average number of hours per employee 41.3 34.1 38.9
Management Board 26.5 26.5
Upper management 21.0 15.5 17.2
Management 42.3 33.5 38.8
Sales personnel 54.4 59.7 55.7
Technicians 14.2 12.0 13.2
Other employees 10.3 11.1 10.6

[GRI 404-2] On account of the small number of employees in retirement age, no programs are currently being run to support the continuity of employment and facilitate the process of retiring. Individual training sessions, however, are possible upon request.

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