Financial and ESG Report

[GRI 404-3] 100% of the Bank employees who are actively working in a given period (that is all of the Bank’s employees except for the ones who are on long-term leave and holidays) are subject to regular appraisals. Bank Millennium has issued “Instructions on how to conduct employee appraisals in Bank Millennium S.A.”, which contain guidelines on devising the rules for employee appraisals in reference to the various forms, i.e. in particular, the evaluation of work performance or competences. Appraisals are conducted on the basis of previously communicated, objective criteria. The rules of employee appraisals are aligned to the nature of work and refer to attitudes towards cooperation, commitment, quality and effectiveness.

The evaluation of work performance forming the basis for various recommendations is run in a manner so as to prevent rewarding for poor performance. The appraisers also take into account the employee’s attitude towards risk mitigation, in particular accurately reporting risks.

The appraisal system makes it possible to compare the work performance of different employees and the achievement of targets.


Bank Millennium Group Men Women Total
Upper management 5% 3% 4%
Management 7% 6% 6%
Sales personnel 16% 11% 12%
Technicians 19% 12% 15%
Other employees 7% 8% 8%
Total 15% 10% 12%

Bank Millennium Men Women Total
Upper management 6% 4% 6%
Management 7% 5% 6%
Sales personnel 17% 11% 12%
Technicians 20% 12% 16%
Other employees 9% 9% 9%
Total 15% 10% 12%
* % of employees in a given group who were promoted

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