Financial and ESG Report

Headcount structure

At the end of 2021 the headcount in the Bank Millennium Group was 7,079 people. Most of the employed workers were women (67%), and the average age of employees was 38. The total monthly employee turnover rate had grown to 4% versus 3% in 2020.

[GRI 102-8] Number of employees in 2021

Men Total men Women Total women Grand total
<30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs <30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs
Bank  Millennium Group 531 1,518 293 2,342 998 3,243 496 4,737 7,079
Bank Millennium 516 1,399 236 2,151 963 3,056 450 4,469 6,620

[GRI 102-8] Employees by type of employment in 2021

Bank Millennium Group Bank Millennium
Men Women Total Men Women Total
Full-time 2,290 4,577 6,867 2,142 4,394 6,536
Part-time 52 160 212 9 75 84
Mandate agreement 67 68 135 50 50 100
Employment contract 2,342 4,737 7,079 2,151 4,469 6,620
For an indefinite term 1,991 4,052 6,043 1,817 3,809 5,626
For a definite term 351 685 1,036 334 660 994

[GRI 401-1] Newly-hired employees

Men Total men Women Total women Grand total
<30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs <30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs
Bank  Millennium Group (percentage in a given age category) 266 180 16 462 485 295 22 802 1,264
(50%) (12%) (5%) (20%) (49%) (9%) (4%) (17%) (18%)
Bank Millennium (percentage in a given age category) 260 155 10 425 471 267 18 756 1,181
(50%) (11%) (4%) (20%) (49%) (9%) (4%) (17%) (18%)

[GRI 401-1] Terminations – number of employees

Men Total men Women Total women Grand total
<30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs <30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs
Bank Millennium Group 274 325 30 629 461 683 83 1,227 1,856
(percentage in a given age category) (52%) (21%) (10%) (27%) (46%) (21%) (17%) (26%) (26%)
Bank Millennium 273 304 22 599 449 652 75 1,176 1,775
(percentage in a given age category) (53%) (22%) (9%) (36%) (47%) (21%) (17%) (26%) (27%)

[GRI 401-1] Employee turnover ratio*

Men Total men Women Total women Grand total
<30 yrs 30-50
>50 yrs <30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs
Bank Millennium Group 8% 3% 1% 4% 8% 3% 2% 4% 4%
Bank Millennium 9% 3% 1% 4% 8% 3% 2% 4% 4%
* Sum of new hires and departures in a given year divided by year-end headcount multiplied by 12 for each age group and by gender.

[GRI 202-2] Employee hired locally*

Bank Millennium Group Bank Millennium
Men Women Total Men Women Total
Number (and percentage) of employees 2,289
Number (and percentage) of Management Board members and senior managers 62
* Polish citizens working in Poland.

[GRI 405-1] Employees by position and gender

Bank Millennium Group Men Total men Women Total women Grand total
<30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs <30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs
Management Board 7 7 7
Upper management 29 33 62 16 13 29 91
Management 12 323 67 402 16 520 88 624 1,026
Sales personnel 355 508 38 901 826 1,762 195 2,783 3,684
Technicians 109 569 128 806 65 708 181 954 1,760
Other employees 55 89 20 164 91 237 19 347 511
Total 531 1,518 293 2,342 998 3,243 496 4,737 7,079

Bank Millennium Men Total men Women Total women Grand total
<30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs <30 yrs 30-50 yrs >50 yrs
Management Board 7 7 7
Upper management 24 23 47 13 10 23 70
Management 11 307 53 371 16 487 72 575 946
Sales personnel 353 491 31 875 822 1,736 193 2 ,751 3,626
Technicians 104 507 104 715 55 631 161 847 1,562
Other employees 48 70 18 136 70 189 14 273 409
Total 516 1,399 236 2,151 963 3,056 450 4,469 6,620

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