Fuels (combustion in mobile and stationary sources), WTT indicators, business travel – DEFRA 2020, version 1.3 (published 31.07.2020), DEFRA 2021, version 1, CH4 and N2O emissions converted from AR4 to AR5 (CH4 25 to 28; N2O 298 to 265).
Electricity location-based – 2019 electricity benchmarks published in December 2020 (benchmark for 2020 data), 2020 electricity benchmarks published in December 2021 (benchmark for 2021 data).
Electricity market-based –
(benchmark for 2020 data)
(benchmark for 2021 data)
The above data, in accordance with the regulations, are published after the end of the year by the end of March of the following year, which is after the time the Bank prepares the report. Therefore, the most current available indicators at the date of the calculation are used in the calculations.
Heat – URE (Energy Regulatory Office); Report “Heating power industry in numbers – 2019” – the latest available document used in the emissions calculations.