Financial and ESG Report

Fulfilling the reporting requirements

Bank Millennium is getting ready to comply with new reporting requirements resulting from the dynamic development of regulations associated with the drive to achieve the climate objectives established in the Paris Agreement.

The Bank Millennium Group has been reporting information on its environmental impact since 2011, including data regarding the emission of greenhouse gases under Scope 1 and Scope 2 and partially under Scope 3. In Scope 3, the Group is working to prepare for accurate reporting of indirect emissions data. It is expanding its knowledge on this subject by implementing projects with consulting companies, participating in conferences and expert workshops (organized e.g. by the Polish Association of Listed Companies and the Polish Confederation Lewiatan) and in the work done by the Polish Bank Association. In 2021, the readiness of the Bank and selected Group entities (Millennium Leasing, Millennium TFI) to operate in compliance with applicable regulations covering ESG and market best practices on ESG was analyzed. The actions taken are described in the “Management approach to sustainable development” section.

Bank Millennium takes part in the work of the task force established by the Polish Association of Listed Companies, the Polish Bank Association, the Polish Chamber of Insurance and the Reporting Standards Foundation. The purpose of this task force is to develop solutions to facilitate the application of incoming regulations and standardize the format of the data used.

[GRI 307-1] In 2021 the Bank Millennium Group did not receive information on any case of having violated environmental protection regulations.

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