Financial and ESG Report

[GRI 102-6] The Bank operates throughout Poland and has no branches outside of its borders. Total assets amount to PLN 103.9 billion. The Bank Millennium Group serves 2.7 million active retail clients. As might be expected of a client experience leader in electronic banking, the number of active digital clients exceeded 2.3 million (up 10% y/y) and mobile clients 1.9 million (up 16% y/y). At the end of 2021, the Bank had 655 branches, including 440 own branches and 215 outlets in the franchise model, and 480 ATMs.

2.7 million

active retail clients

[GRI 102-7]
Scale of the Bank Millennium Group’s
business activity
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Number of active retail clients (thous.) 2,694 2,633 2,571 1,838 1,635
Number of active corporate clients (thous.) 8.3 7.8 7.7 7.4 6.9
Number of own and franchise branches 655 702 830 361 355
Number of ATMs 480 479 498 487 483
Number of employees (persons) 7,079 7,645 8,615 6,270 5,945
Number of Bank’s suppliers 6,639 6,679 6,352 5,012 5,153


CustomSize3-2 CustomSize3-2

Share in key market segments

December 2021:


Total loans


Retail loans


Total deposits


Quarterly card spending (*)


Leasing production

December 2020:


Total loans


Retail loans


Total deposits


Quarterly card spending (*)


Leasing production

*3Q21/3Q20 data

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