Approach to reporting
About this report
[GRI 102-50] The ESG Report of Bank Millennium and the Bank Millennium Group depicts the operations of the Bank Millennium Group in the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 unless stated otherwise. The report as sent to the Warsaw Stock Exchange was published on 21 February 2022, and this online version was published on 7 April 2022. [GRI 102-54] This report has been drafted in accordance with the GRI Standards: “Core” application level (Financial Services Sector Supplement has also been used) and in accordance with the non-financial reporting requirements imposed by the amended Accounting Act. The report constitutes the report on non-financial information referred to in Article 49b of the Act. It contains a recap of the Bank Millennium Group’s activity in the sustainable development context, i.e. in the economic, social and environmental areas. [GRI 102-52] The Bank Millennium Group publishes reports at annual intervals. [GRI 102-51] The most recent report prepared for 2020 was published in February 2021. The Bank published its first corporate social responsibility report for 2006. [GRI 102-45] The report describes the operations of the Bank and the Bank Millennium Group’s other major companies (Millennium Leasing, Millennium TFI, Millennium Dom Maklerski, Millennium Bank Hipoteczny, Millennium Goodie). [GRI 102-10] Following the merger of Bank Millennium and Euro Bank in November 2019, the reported period continued to see significant changes in the organization, mainly in the employment structure and further optimization of the branch network.
[GRI 102-49] There have been no significant changes in the scope and boundaries of reporting since the last publication in 2021.
[GRI 102-48] In order to increase the quality of the carbon footprint calculations, changes were made to the methodology for 2020 and 2021 by systematising the emission factors used, performing calculations for electricity according to the location-based (using the average emission factor for Poland) and market-based (using emission factors specific to energy sellers) methods, and changing the calculation method for business trips (changing the data source from estimates of the distance travelled for air and rail trips to the distance between the city of the start and end of the trip). Detailed information can be found in section „Greenhouse gas emissions”.
As a result of changes in the accounting principles implemented in 2021, the comparable data on the amount of loans for 2020 presented in the table on page 11 have been adjusted.
[GRI 102-56] This report has been externally verified by Deloitte.