Data about assets, which secure liabilities
As at 31 December 2021 following assets of the Bank constituted collateral of liabilities (PLN’000):
No. | Type of assets | Portfolio | Secured liability | Par value of assets | Balance sheet value of assets |
1. | Treasury bonds OK0423 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Lombard credit granted to the Bank by the NBP | 130 000 | 124 254 |
2. | Treasury bonds OK0423 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Securing the Fund for Protection of Funds Guaranteed as part of the Bank Guarantee Fund | 328 000 | 313 502 |
3. | Treasury bonds OK0425 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Securing the Fund for Protection of Funds Guaranteed as part of the Bank Guarantee Fund | 7 000 | 6 399 |
4. | Treasury bonds OK0423 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Security of payment obligation to BFG contribution – guarantee fund | 130 100 | 124 350 |
5. | Treasury bonds OK0423 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Security of payment obligation to BFG contribution – compulsory resolution fund | 106 500 | 101 793 |
6. | Cash | receivables | initial deposit in KDPW CCP (MAGB) | 5 000 | 5 000 |
7. | Cash | receivables | ASO guarantee fund (PAGB) | 398 | 398 |
8. | Cash | receivables | payment to the OTC Guarantee Fund – KDPW_CCP | 8 989 | 8 989 |
9. | Cash | receivables | Settlement on transactions concluded | 111 907 | 111 907 |
10. | Deposits | Deposits in banks | Settlement on transactions concluded | 572 681 | 572 681 |
11. | Leasing receivables | Loans and advances | Loans granted to Millennnium Leasing | 215 120 | 215 120 |
TOTAL | 1 615 696 | 1 584 394 |
Additionally, as at December 31, 2021, the Group had concluded short-term transactions (usually settled within 7 days) of Treasury securities sale with a repurchase agreement, subject of securities worth PLN 17,933 thousand (corresponding liabilities are presented in Chapter 14, note 34).
As at 31 December 2020 following assets of the Bank constituted collateral of liabilities (PLN’000):
No. | Type of assets | Portfolio | Secured liability | Par value of assets | Balance sheet value of assets |
1. | Treasury bonds OK0722 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Lombard credit granted to the Bank by the NBP | 130 000 | 129 922 |
2. | Treasury bonds OK0722 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Securing the Fund for Protection of Funds Guaranteed as part of the Bank Guarantee Fund | 355 000 | 354 787 |
3. | Treasury bonds PS0123 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Security of payment obligation to BFG contribution – compulsory resolution fund | 88 000 | 94 473 |
4. | Treasury bonds PS0123 | Held to Collect and for Sale | Security of payment obligation to BFG contribution – guarantee fund | 71 000 | 76 223 |
5. | Treasury bonds PS0422 | Held to Collect and for Sale | initial settlement deposit in KDPW CCP (MARI) | 300 000 | 313 311 |
6. | Cash | receivables | initial settlement deposit in KDPW CCP (MARI) | 100 | 100 |
7. | Cash | receivables | ASO guarantee fund (PAGB) | 2 415 | 2 415 |
8. | Cash | receivables | payment to the OTC Guarantee Fund – KDPW_CCP | 5 617 | 5 617 |
9. | Cash | receivables | Settlement on transactions concluded | 45 153 | 45 153 |
10. | Deposits | Deposits in banks | Settlement on transactions concluded | 503 532 | 503 532 |
11. | Leasing receivables | Loans and advances | Loans granted to Millennnium Leasing | 274 731 | 274 731 |
TOTAL | 1 775 548 | 1 800 264 |
Additionally, as at December 31, 2020, the Group had concluded short-term transactions (usually settled within 7 days) of Treasury securities sale with a repurchase agreement, subject of securities worth PLN 248,429 thousand (corresponding liabilities are presented in Chapter 14., note 34).