Additional explanations to the cash flow statement
For the purpose of the cash flow statement the following financial assets are classified by the Group as cash or its equivalents (PLN’000):
PLN’000 | 31.12.2021 | 31.12.2020 |
Cash and balances with the Central Bank | 3 179 735 | 1 460 289 |
Receivables from interbank deposits* | 192 509 | 122 659 |
Debt securities issued by the State Treasury* | 0 | 3 486 |
of which FVTOCI | 0 | 0 |
of which held for trading | 0 | 3 486 |
Total | 3 372 244 | 1 586 434 |
For the purpose of the cash flow statement the following classification of activity types was adopted:
- Operating activities – cover the basic scope of operations connected with services provided by the Group’s units covering events whose purpose is to earn profit and not being investment or financial activity,
- Investment activities cover operations connected with the purchasing and selling of fixed assets, in particular financial assets not included in the ”for trading” category, shares and shares in subsidiaries, tangible and intangible fixed assets,
- Financial activities cover activities connected with raising of funds in the form of capital or liabilities, as well as servicing sources of funding.