Financial and ESG Report

Operational Segments

Information about operating segments has been prepared based on the reporting structure which is used by the Management Board of the Bank for evaluating the results and managing resources of operating segments.

Group does not apply additional breakdown of activity by geographical areas because of the insignificant scale of operations performed outside the Poland, in result such complementary division is not presented.

The Group’s activity is pursued on the basis of diverse business lines, which offer specific products and services targeted at the market segments listed below:

The Retail Customers Segment covers activity targeted at mass-market Customers, affluent Customers, small companies and individual entrepreneurs.

The activity of the above business lines is developed with use of the full offer of banking products and services as well as sales of specialised products offered by subsidiaries in the group. In the credit products area the key products are mortgage loans, retail credit products, credit card revolving credit as well leasing products for small companies. Meanwhile key Customers funds include: current and saving accounts, term deposits, mutual funds and structured products. Additionally the offer comprises insurance products, mainly linked with loans and credit cards, as well as specialised savings products. The product offer for affluent customers was enriched to include selected mutual funds of other financial intermediaries, foreign funds and structured bonds issued by the Bank.

The Corporate Customers Segment is based on activity targeted at Small and Medium sized Companies as well as Large Corporations. The offer is also addressed to Customers from the Public Sector.

Business in the Corporate Customers segment is pursued with use of a high quality offer of typical banking products (loans for day-to-day activity, investment loans, current accounts, term deposits) supplemented by a range of cash management products as well as treasury products (including derivatives) and leasing and factoring services.

This segment covers the Group’s activity as regards investments by the Treasury Department, brokerage, inter-bank market transactions and taking positions in debt securities, which are not assigned to other segments.

This segment includes other assets and other liabilities, assets and liabilities connected with hedging derivatives, liabilities connected with external funding of the Group and deferred income tax assets not assigned to any of the segments.

For each segment the pre-tax profit is determined, comprising:

  • Net interest income calculated on the basis of interest on external working assets and liabilities of the segment as well as allocated assets and liabilities generating internal interest income or cost. Internal income and costs are calculated based on market interest rates with internal valuation model applied;
  • Net commission income;
  • Other income from financial transactions and FX gains, such as: dividend income, result on investment and trading activity, FX gains/losses and result on other financial instruments;
  • Other operating income and expenses;
  • Costs on account of impairment of financial and non-financial assets;
  • Segment share in operating costs, including personnel and administration costs;
  • Segment share in depreciation costs;
  • Operating profit calculated as a measure of segment profit differs from the IFRS financial result before tax due to: share in net profits of associates and charge of bank tax. These items and the income tax burden were presented only at the Group level.

The assets and liabilities of commercial segments are the operating assets and liabilities used by the segment in its operations, allocated on business grounds. The difference between operating assets and liabilities is covered by money market assets/liabilities and debt securities. The assets and liabilities of the Treasury, ALM & Other segment are money market assets/liabilities and debt securities not allocated to commercial segments.

Bank Millennium recent financial performance is significantly influenced by the costs related to managing legacy FX mortgage portfolio of loans. To isolate these costs and other financial results related to this portfolio Bank decided to isolate a new segment from Retail and present it in financial statements as “FX mortgage”. Such change impacts only results presentation and is not triggering any organizational changes in the Bank. New segment includes loans separated based on active FX mortgage contracts for a given period and is applying to portfolios of retail mortgages originated in Bank Millennium and Eurobank in foreign currencies. This portfolio is expected to run-off in line with repayments of FX loans and conversions to PLN loans. Following P&L categories are presented as part of financial performance of new segment:

  1. Net Interest Income: Margin on FX loans (interest results less Fund Transfer Pricing).
  2. FX results related to portfolio (mainly costs of amicable negotiations).
  3. Cost of provisions for FX mortgage portfolio legal risk partially offset by valuation of SG Indemnity in other operating income line regarding ex-EB portfolio
  4. Cost of Credit Risk related to current FX portfolio.
  5. Other Costs that are directly related to FX mortgages including, but not limited to:
    i. Legal chancellery costs (administrative costs)
    ii. Court costs related to FX mortgage cases (other operating costs)

Income statement 1.01.2021 – 31.12.2021

In ‘000 PLN Retail Banking Corporate Banking Treasury. ALM & Other Segments excluding FX mortgage FX mortgage Total
Net interest income 1 847 076 335 342 431 001 2 613 419 99 724 2 713 143
Net fee and commission income 639 993 186 389 4 215 830 597 15 830 612
Dividends, other income from financial operations and foreign exchange profit 111 344 75 912 20 057 207 313 (355 363) (148 050)
Result on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss 39 881 0 84 657 124 538 0 124 538
Other operating income and cost (19 673) (5 884) (105 813) (131 370) 209 155 77 785
Operating income 2 618 621 591 759 434 117 3 644 497 (46 469) 3 598 028
Staff costs (645 620) (139 811) (29 891) (815 322) 0 (815 322)
Administrative costs (429 410) (70 042) (76 257) (575 709) (49 675) (625 384)
Depreciation and amortization (171 352) (25 528) (4 715) (201 595) 0 (201 595)
Operating expenses (1 246 382) (235 381) (110 863) (1 592 626) (49 675) (1 642 301)
Impairment losses on assets (324 446) (1 784) (7 671) (333 901) 7 838 (326 063)
Results on modification (13 390) 551 0 (12 839) 0 (12 839)
Provisions for legal risk connected with FX mortgage loans 0 0 0 0 (2 305 157) (2 305 157)
Total operating result 1 034 403 355 145 315 583 1 705 131 (2 393 463) (688 332)
Share in net profit of associated companies 0
Banking tax (312 611)
Profit / (loss) before income tax (1 000 943)
Income taxes (330 923)
Profit / (loss) after taxes (1 331 866)


Balance sheet items as at 31.12.2021

In ‘000 PLN Retail Banking Corporate Banking Treasury. ALM & Other Segments excluding FX mortgage FX mortgage Total
Loans and advances to customers 52 364 612 16 441 570 0 68 806 182 9 797 144 78 603 326
Liabilities to customers 70 999 352 20 208 669 239 494 91 447 515 0 91 447 515


Income statement 1.01.2020 – 31.12.2020

In ‘000 PLN Retail Banking Corporate Banking Treasury. ALM & Other Segments excluding FX mortgage FX mortgage Total
Net interest income 1 534 859 305 674 642 014 2 482 547 100 513 2 583 060
Net fee and commission income 588 674 154 232 3 915 746 821 (765) 746 056
Dividends, other income from financial operations and foreign exchange profit 46 478 68 154 183 467 298 099 (42 641) 255 458
Result on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss (42 920) 0 81 496 38 576 0 38 576
Other operating income and cost (16 246) (8 063) (100 367) (124 676) 36 382 (88 294)
Operating income 2 110 845 519 997 810 525 3 441 367 93 489 3 534 856
Staff costs (685 841) (142 216) (28 273) (856 330) 0 (856 330)
Administrative costs (509 273) (64 414) (87 072) (660 759) (25 290) (686 049)
Depreciation and amortization (190 088) (17 242) (3 081) (210 411) 0 (210 411)
Operating expenses (1 385 202) (223 872) (118 426) (1 727 500) (25 290) (1 752 790)
Impairment losses on assets (390 998) (124 912) (7 846) (523 756) (41 046) (564 802)
Results on modification (15 487) 1 922 0 (13 565) 0 (13 565)
Provisions for legal risk connected with FX mortgage loans 0 0 0 0 (713 617) (713 617)
Total operating result 319 158 173 135 684 253 1 176 546 (686 464) 490 082
Share in net profit of associated companies 0
Banking tax (279 147)
Profit / (loss) before income tax 210 935
Income taxes (188 118)
Profit / (loss) after taxes 22 817


Balance sheet items as at 31.12.2020

In ‘000 PLN Retail Banking Corporate Banking Treasury. ALM & Other Segments excluding FX mortgage FX mortgage Total
Liabilities to customers 43 885 739 16 268 373 0 60 154 112 13 485 230 73 639 342
Liabilities to customers 65 413 189 15 919 233 178 118 81 510 540 0 81 510 540

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