Financial and ESG Report

The mission of risk management in the Bank Millennium Group is to ensure that all types of risks are managed, monitored, and controlled as required for the risk profile (risk appetite), nature and scale of the Group’s operations.

Important principle of risk management is the optimization of the risk and profitability trade-off – the Group pays special attention to ensure that its business decisions balance risk and profit adequately.

The goals of the risk management mission are achieved through implementation of the following actions:

  • Development of risk management strategies, credit policy, processes and procedures defining the principles for acceptance of the allowable level of types of risk,
  • Increasingly wider implementation of the IT tools for risks identification, control, and measurement,
  • Increasing awareness of employees as regards their responsibility for proper risk management at every level of the Group’s organizational structure.

Risk management is centralized for the Group and considers the need to obtain the assumed profitability and to maintain proper risk-capital relationship, in the context of having proper level of capital to cover the risk. Within risk management system, a broad range of methods is used, both qualitative and quantitative, including advanced mathematical and statistical tools supported by adequate IT systems.

When defining the business and profitability targets, the Group considers the specified risk framework (Risk Appetite) to ensure that business structure and growth will respect the risk profile that is targeted and that will be reflected in several indicators such as:

  • Loan growth in specific products / segments
  • Structure of the loan portfolio
  • Asset quality indicators
  • Cost of risk
  • Capital requirements / Economic capital
  • Amount and structure of liquidity needed.

The risk management and control model at the Group’s level is based on the following main principles:

  • ensuring the full-scope quantification and parameterization of various types of risks in the perspective of optimizing balance sheet and off-balance sheet items to the assumed level of profitability of business activity. The main areas of analysis encompass credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk and operational risk, legal and litigation risk also are subject to specific attention;
  • all types of risks are monitored and controlled in reference to the profitability of operations and the level of capital necessary to ensure the safety of operations from the point of view of capital adequacy. The results of risk measuring are regularly reported as part of the management information system;
  • the segregation of duties between risk origination, risk management and risk control.

The Risk management process of the Group is presented in the below diagram:

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The split of competence in the field of risk management is as follows:

  • The Supervisory Board is responsible for overseeing the compliance of the Group’s risk-taking policy with the Group’s strategy and its financial plan. Within the Supervisory Board acts the Committee for Risk Matters, which supports it in realization of those tasks, among others, issuing opinion on the Group’s Risk Strategy, including the Group’s Risk Appetite.
  • The Management Board is responsible for the effectiveness of the risk management system, internal capital estimation process, for reviewing the internal capital calculation and maintenance process and the internal control systems;
  • The Credit Committee, the Capital, Assets and Liabilities Committee, and the Liabilities at Risk Committee are responsible for current management of different areas of banking risk, within the framework determined by the Management Board;
  • The Risk Committee and the Processes and Operational Risk Committee are responsible for defining the policy and for monitoring and control of different areas of banking risk, within the framework determined by the Management Board;
  • The Validation Committee is responsible for confirmation of risk models validation results and follow-up in the implementation of the measures defined by the Models Validation Office;
  • The Sub-Committee for Court Cases is responsible for expressing opinions and taking decisions in matters regarding court proceedings, for the cases when value of the dispute or direct effect for assets value as a consequence of court verdict exceeds 1 mln PLN or as result of multiple cases with the same nature, excluding cases belonging to the restructuring and recovery portfolio of Bank’s receivables managed by the Corporate Recovery Department and Retail Restructuring and Debt Collection Department. The Sub-Committee for Court Cases is also competent for disputes in the portfolio of the Retail Restructuring and Debt Collection Department, which the nature of the dispute corresponds to the nature of court disputes supervised by the Court Cases Risk Sub-committee referred to in the first sentence above and matters relating to the determination of terms of settlement as to the effects of legal relationships at the pre-trial stage or in circumstances indicating a significant likelihood of litigation, and if materialized, would fall within the competence of the Court Cases Risk Sub-committee, excluding cases managed by Corporate Recovery Department;
  • The Risk Department is responsible for risk management, including identifying, measuring, analysing, monitoring, and reporting on risk within the Group. The Risk Department also prepares risk management policies and procedures as well as provides information and proposes courses of action necessary for the Capital, Assets and Liabilities Committee, Risk Committee and the Management Board to make decisions with respect to risk management;
  • The Rating Department is mainly responsible for risk rating assignment for Corporate clients (based on the evaluation of clients’ creditworthiness) as well as for rating monitoring and potential revision during the period of its validity. Rating assignment process is independent from credit decision process;
  • The Corporate Credit Underwriting Department, Mortgage Credit Underwriting Department and Consumer Finance Underwriting Department, are responsible within the Corporate Customer segment and Retail Customer segment, respectively, for the credit decision process, including analysing customers’ financial situation, preparing credit proposals for the decision-making levels and making credit decisions within specified limits;
  • The Retail Liabilities Monitoring and Collection Department and Retail Liabilities Restructuring and Recovery Department have responsibility for monitoring repayment of overdue debts by retail customers and their collection;
  • The Corporate Recovery Department develops specific strategies with respect to each debtor from recovery portfolio, which aims to maximize timely collection of the outstanding debt and minimize the risk incurred by the Group. This approach is constantly revised to reflect updated information, and the best practices and experiences regarding collection of overdue debts;
  • The Treasury Control and Analyses Office has responsibility for monitoring the use of part of the Group’s limits, including counterparty and stop-loss limits, the Group’s FX position, results of active trading and control of operations of the treasury segment;
  • The Models Validation Office has responsibility for qualitative and quantitative models’ analysis and validation, independent from the function of models development; development of the models validation and monitoring tools; activities connected with issuing opinions on the adequacy of the models for the segment, for which they were developed; preparing reports for the Validation Committee needs;
  • The Anti-fraud Sub-unit has responsibility for implementation and monitoring Bank policy execution in the scope of fraud risk management in cooperation with others Bank units. The Sub-unit constitutes a competence centre for anti-fraud process;
  • The Compliance Department has the responsibility to ensure compliance with legal regulations, related regulatory standards, market principles and standards as well as internal organization regulations and codes of conduct;
  • The Legal Department has responsibility for handling the litigation cases of the Bank, with support of external legal offices and legal experts whenever necessary.

The Group has prepared a comprehensive guideline document for the risk management policy/strategy: “Risk Strategy for 2022-2024”. The document takes a 3-year perspective and is reviewed and updated annually. It is approved by the Bank’s Management Board and Supervisory Board. The risk strategy is inextricably linked to other strategic documents, such as: Budget, Liquidity Plan, and Capital Plan.

The Risk Strategy bases on the two concepts defined by the Group:

  1. Risk profile – current risk profile in amount or type of risk the Group is currently exposed. The Group should also have a forward-looking view how their risk profile may change under both expected and stress economic scenarios in accordance with risk appetite,
  2. Risk appetite – the maximum amount or type of risk the Group is prepared to accept/tolerate to achieve its financial and strategic objective. Three zones are defined in accordance with warning / action required level.

Risk appetite must ensure that business structure and growth will respect the forward risk profile. Risk appetite was reflected through defined indicators in several key areas, such as:

  • Solvency,
  • Liquidity and funding,
  • Earnings volatility and Business mix,
  • Franchise and reputation.

The Group has a clear risk strategy, covering retail credit, corporate credit, markets activity and liquidity, operational and capital management. For each risk type and overall, the Group clearly define the risk appetite.

The Risk Management is mainly defined through the principles and targets defined in Risk Strategy and complemented in more detail by the principles and qualitative guidelines defined in the following documents:

  • Capital Management and Planning Framework
  • Credit Principles and Guidelines
  • Rules on Concentration Risk Management
  • Principles and Rules of Liquidity Risk Management
  • Principles and Guidelines on Market Risk Management on Financial Markets
  • Principles and Guidelines for Market Risk Management in Banking Book
  • Investment Policy
  • Principles and Guidelines for Management of Operational Risk
  • Policy, Rules and Principles of the Model Risk Management
  • Stress tests policy
  • Regulations of Bank Millennium SA – Program of counteracting Anti-Money Laundering and financing terrorism.

Within risk appetite, the Group has defined tolerance zones for its measures (build up based on the “traffic lights” principle). As for all tolerance zones for risk appetite, it has been set:

  • Risk appetite status – green zone means a measure within risk appetite, yellow zone means an increased risk of risk appetite breach, red zone means risk appetite breach
  • Escalation process of actions/decisions taken – bodies/organizational entities responsible for decisions and actions in a particular zone
  • Risk appetite monitoring process.

The Group pays particular attention to continuous improvement of the risk management process. One measurable effect of this is a success of the received authorization to the further use of the IRB approach in the process of calculating capital requirements.

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