Individual analysis contains customers identified as significantly important both for business portfolio and recovery portfolio. Credit exposures are selected for individual analysis based on materiality criteria which ensure that case-by case analysis covers at least 50% of the Group’s business corporate portfolio and 80% of the portfolio managed by entities responsible for the recovery and restructuring of corporate receivables.
Principal elements of the process of individual analysis:
1) Identification of soft signs of impairment being one of qualitative triggers of Significant Increase of Credit Risk (SICR).
This process covers biggest business corporate customers, for which financial-economic situation is analysed on a quarterly basis based on latest financial statement, events connected with company activities, information concerning related entities and economic environment, expectation about future changes, etc. There was defined catalogue of so called “soft signs of impairment”, identification of which means significant increase of credit risk (SICR) and causing classification of all exposures of such customer to Stage 2.
2) Identification of impairment triggers.
The Group defined impairment triggers for individual analysis and adjusted them to its operational profile. The catalogue of triggers contains among others following elements:
- The economic and financial situation pointing to the Customer’s considerable financial problems,
- Breach of the contract, e.g., significant delays in payments of principal or interest
- Stating the customer’s unreliability in communicating information about his economic and financial situation,
- Permanent lack of possibility of establishing contact with the customer in the case of violating the terms of the agreement,
- High probability of bankruptcy or a different type of reorganizing the Customer’s enterprise/business,
- Declaring bankruptcy or opening a recovery plan with respect to the Customer,
- Granting the Customer who has financial difficulties, facilities concerning financing conditions (restructuring).
Internal regulations allow discovering above-mentioned triggers by indicating specific cases and situations corresponding to them, with respect to triggers resulting from the Customer’s considerable financial problems, violating the critical terms of the agreement and high probability of a bankruptcy or different enterprise reorganization.
3) Scenario approach in calculation of impairment allowances for individually analysed customers.
If at least one of impairment triggers has been identified during the individual analysis, all exposures of given customer are classified in Stage 3 and then detailed analysis of forecasted cash-flows should be performed. Since introducing IFRS9 the Group is using scenario approach. It means that analyst should define at least two recovery scenarios which reflect described and approved recovery strategies: the main and alternative ones with assigned probabilities of realization. The Group has defined guidelines regarding the weights used for individual scenarios. Scenarios can be based on restructuring or vindication strategy; mixed solutions are also used. The whole process of individual analysis is supported by especially dedicated Case-By-Case IT Tool especially useful in terms of calculation impairment amount with usage of scenario approach.
Every scenario contains two general types of recoveries: direct cash-flows from customers and recovered amounts from collateral.
4) Estimating expected cash-flows.
One element of the impairment calculation process is the estimation of the probability of cash flows included in the timetable, pertaining to the following items: principal, interest, and other cash flows. The probability of realizing cash flows included in the timetable results from the conducted assessment of the customer’s economic and financial situation (indication of the sources of potential repayments) must be justified and assessed based on current documentation and knowledge (broadly understood) of his situation with the inclusion of financial projections. This information is gathered by an analyst prior to the actual analysis in accordance with the guidelines specified in appropriate Group regulations.
In the event of estimating the probability of cash flows for customers in the portfolio managed by restructuring-recovery departments analysts will consider the individual nature of each transaction pointing among others to the following elements which may have an impact on the value of potential cash flows:
- Operational strategy with respect to the Customer adopted by the Group,
- Results of negotiations with the customer and his attitude, i.e., willingness to settle his arrears,
- Improvement/deterioration of his economic and financial situation.
The Group also uses the formal terms of setting and justifying the amount of probability and amount of the payment by the Bank of funds under the extended off-balance sheet credit exposure such as guarantees and letters of credit.
5) Estimation of the fair value of collateral, specifying the expected date of sale and estimation of expected revenues from the sale after deduction of the costs of the recovery process.
The inclusion of cash flows from realization of collateral must be preceded by an analysis of how realistically it can be sold and estimation of its fair value after recovery costs.
To ensure the fairness of the principles of establishing collateral recoveries, the Group prepared guidelines for corporate segment with respect to the recommended parameters of the recovery rate and recovery period for selected collateral groups. Depending on the place of the exposure in the Bank’s structure (business portfolio, restructuring-recovery portfolio) and type of exposure (credit, leasing) separate principles have been specified for portfolio types: business, restructuring-recovery, and leasing portfolio. The recommended recovery rates and period of collateral recovery are verified in annual periods.