Financial and ESG Report

Financial highlights

Financial highlights

Amount ‘000 PLN Amount ‘000 EUR
1.01.2021 – 31.12.2021 1.01.2020 – 31.12.2020 1.01.2021 – 31.12.2021 1.01.2020 – 31.12.2020
Interest income and other of similar nature 2 842 093 3 126 579 620 883 698 802
Fee and commission income 1 012 250 947 414 221 136 211 750
Profit (loss) before income tax (1 000 943) 210 935 (218 666) 47 145
Profit (loss) after taxes (1 331 866) 22 817 (290 959) 5 100
Total comprehensive income of the period (2 390 356) 152 581 (522 197) 34 102
Net cash flows from operating activities 2 787 342 (3 137 601) 608 922 (701 265)
Net cash flows from investing activities (556 582) 2 035 786 (121 591) 455 006
Net cash flows from financing activities (444 950) (1 064 540) (97 204) (237 929)
Net cash flows, total 1 785 810 (2 166 355) 390 128 (484 188)
Earnings (losses) per ordinary share (in PLN/EUR) (1.10) 0.02 (0.24) 0.00
Diluted earnings (losses) per ordinary share (1.10) 0.02 (0.24) 0.00
31.12.2021 31.12.2020 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Total Assets 103 913 908 97 322 785 22 592 927 21 089 275
Liabilities to banks and other monetary institutions 539 408 1 057 652 117 278 229 187
Liabilities to customers 91 447 515 81 510 540 19 882 488 17 662 854
Equity 6 697 246 9 090 976 1 456 113 1 969 961
Share capital 1 213 117 1 213 117 263 755 262 875
Number of shares (pcs.) 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777
Book value per share (in PLN/EUR) 5.52 7.49 1.20 1.62
Diluted book value per share (in PLN/EUR) 5.52 7.49 1.20 1.62
Total Capital Ratio (TCR) 17.06% 19.49% 17.06% 19.49%
Pledged or paid dividend per share (in PLN/EUR)

Exchange rates accepted to convert selected financial data into EUR
for items as at the balance sheet date 4.5994 4.6148
for items for the period covered by the report (exchange rate calculated as the average of exchange rates at the end of individual months of the period) 4.5775 4.4742

Quarterly financial information


Amount ‘000 PLN 1.01.2021 -31.12.2021 1.10.2021 -31.12.2021* 1.01.2020 -31.12.2020 1.10.2020 -31.12.2020*
Net interest income 2 713 143 767 099 2 583 060 624 635
Interest income and other of similar nature 2 842 093 805 787 3 126 579 665 243
Income calculated using the effective interest method 2 778 204 800 465 3 018 124 646 986
Interest income from Financial assets at amortised cost 2 620 651 749 737 2 704 672 597 735
Interest income from Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive  income 157 553 50 728 313 452 49 251
Income of similar nature to interest from Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 63 889 5 322 108 455 18 257
Interest expenses (128 950) (38 688) (543 519) (40 608)
Net fee and commission income 830 612 214 960 746 056 192 730
Fee and commission income 1 012 250 260 504 947 414 240 546
Fee and commission expenses (181 638) (45 544) (201 358) (47 816)
Dividend income 3 761 323 3 678 136
Result on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss 9 669 (569) 128 082 50 059
Results on financial assets and liabilities held for trading (9 296) (2 151) 13 436 4 637
Result on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss 124 538 70 730 38 576 51 729
Result on hedge accounting (3 185) (1 431) (10 259) 481
Result on exchange differences (148 999) (72 138) 120 521 14 285
Other operating income 317 295 106 606 160 766 72 191
Other operating expenses (239 510) (159 641) (249 060) (112 146)
Administrative expenses (1 440 706) (383 401) (1 542 379) (366 219)
Impairment losses on financial assets (318 391) (77 023) (556 912) (91 173)
Impairment losses on non-financial assets (7 672) (2 285) (7 890) (2 712)
Provisions for legal risk connected with FX mortgage loans (2 305 157) (732 000) (713 617) (415 944)
Result on modification (12 839) (3 403) (13 565) (3 475)
Depreciation (201 595) (50 725) (210 411) (51 455)
Share of the profit of investments in subsidiaries 0 0 0 0
Banking tax (312 611) (82 012) (279 147) (70 120)
Profit before income taxes (1 000 943) (407 061) 210 935 (102 361)
Corporate income tax (330 923) (101 849) (188 118) (6 692)
Profit after taxes (1 331 866) (508 910) 22 817 (109 053)
Attributable to:
Owners of the parent (1 331 866) (508 910) 22 817 (109 053)
Non-controlling interests 0 0 0 0
Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares (pcs.) 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777
Profit (loss) per ordinary share (in PLN) (1.10) (0.42) 0.02 (0.09)
* Quarterly financial information has not been audited by an independent auditor.



Amount ‘000 PLN 1.01.2021 -31.12.2021 1.10.2021 -31.12.2021* 1.01.2020 -31.12.2020 1.10.2020 -31.12.2020*
Result after taxes (1 331 866) (508 910) 22 817 (109 053)
Other comprehensive income items that may be (or were) reclassified to profit or loss (1 312 027) (959 115) 160 748 (26 634)
Result on debt securities at fair value through other comprehensive income (977 534) (698 843) 176 282 (28 073)
Hedge accounting (334 493) (260 272) (15 534) 1 439
Other comprehensive income items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 5 249 5 278 (547) (589)
Actuarial gains (losses) 6 071 6 071 (417) (417)
Result on equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income (822) (793) (130) (172)
Total comprehensive income items before taxes (1 306 778) (953 837) 160 201 (27 223)
Corporate income tax on other comprehensive income items that may be (or were) reclassified to profit or loss 249 285 182 232 (30 541) 5 062
Corporate income tax on other comprehensive income items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (997) (1 003) 104 112
Total comprehensive income items after taxes (1 058 490) (772 608) 129 764 (22 049)
Total comprehensive income for the period (2 390 356) (1 281 518) 152 581 (131 102)
Attributable to:
Owners of the parent (2 390 356) (1 281 518) 152 581 (131 102)
Non-controlling interests 0 0 0 0
* Quarterly financial information has not been audited by an independent auditor.

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