Financial and ESG Report

Amount ‘000 PLN 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Off-balance conditional commitments granted and received 16 007 921 15 722 748
Commitments granted: 13 882 138 14 177 193
loan commitments 12 034 696 12 420 910
guarantee 1 847 442 1 756 283
Commitments received: 2 125 784 1 545 555
loan commitments 40 000 0
guarantee 2 085 784 1 545 555


The granted conditional commitments presented in the table above comprise commitments to grant credit (such as: unutilised credit card limits, unutilised current account overdraft facilities, unutilised tranches of investment loans) and issued guarantees and Letters of Credit (securing performance by customers of the Group of their obligations to third parties). The value of above-presented guarantee commitments presents the maximum value of a loss, which may be incurred by the Group, should the customers default on their obligations. The Group creates provisions for impaired irrevocable conditional commitments, reported in the “provisions” item under liabilities in the balance-sheet. The provision value is determined as the difference between the estimated amount of utilised conditional exposure and the present value of expected future cash flows under this credit exposure. In this context, the Group considers that the values presented in the above table are similar to the fair value of contingent liabilities.

The breakdown by entity of all net guarantee liabilities, reported in off-balance sheet items is presented in the table below:

Customer – sector 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
financial sector 90 163 83 590
non-financial sector (companies) 1 755 666 1 671 080
public sector 1 613 1 613
Total 1 847 442 1 756 283


Guarantees and sureties granted to Clients

Commitments granted 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Active guarantees and sureties 998 662 965 823
Lines for guarantees and sureties 854 763 794 752
Total 1 853 425 1 760 575
Provisions created (5 983) (4 292)
Commitments granted – guarantee after provisions 1 847 442 1 756 283


The structure of liabilities under active guarantees and sureties divided by particular criteria are presented by the tables below (PLN’000):

By currency 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
PLN 694 618 674 840
Other currencies 304 044 290 983
Total 998 662 965 823


By type of commitment 31.12.2021 31.12.2020
Number Amount Number Amount
Guarantee 3 429 983 461 3 420 943 304
Surety 0 0 0 0
Re-guarantee 48 15 201 44 22 519
Total 3 477 998 662 3 464 965 823


By object of the commitment 31.12.2020 31.12.2021
Number Amount %
Number Amount %
good performance of contract 2 750 529 664 53.03% 2 663 492 191 50.96%
punctual payment for goods or services 325 244 684 24.50% 298 229 175 23.73%
bid bond 90 13 483 1.35% 156 11 091 1.15%
rent payment 200 100 245 10.04% 222 99 120 10.26%
advance return 56 40 102 4.02% 47 53 738 5.56%
customs 39 49 159 4.92% 44 68 628 7.11%
other 3 13 262 1.33% 21 2 666 0.28%
payment of bank loan 14 8 063 0.81% 13 9 214 0.95%
Total 3 477 998 662 100.00% 3 464 965 823 100.00%

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