Financial and ESG Report

Consolidated Income Statement

Amount ‘000 PLN Note 1.01.2021 -31.12.2021 1.01.2020 -31.12.2020*
Net interest income 2 713 143 2 583 060
Interest income and other of similar nature 1 2 842 093 3 126 579
Income calculated using the effective interest method 2 778 204 3 018 124
Interest income from Financial assets at amortised cost 2 620 651 2 704 672
Interest income from Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive  income 157 553 313 452
Income of similar nature to interest from Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 63 889 108 455
Interest expenses 2 (128 950) (543 519)
Net fee and commission income 830 612 746 056
Fee and commission income 3 1 012 250 947 414
Fee and commission expenses 3 (181 638) (201 358)
Dividend income 4 3 761 3 678
Result on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss 5 9 669 128 082
Results on financial assets and liabilities held for trading 6 (9 296) 13 436
Result on non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss 7 124 538 38 576
Result on hedge accounting 8 (3 185) (10 259)
Result on exchange differences (148 999) 120 521
Other operating income 9 317 295 160 766
Other operating expenses 10 (239 510) (249 060)
Administrative expenses 11 (1 440 706) (1 542 379)
Impairment losses on financial assets 12 (318 391) (556 912)
Impairment losses on non-financial assets 13 (7 672) (7 890)
Provisions for legal risk connected with FX mortgage loans 14 (2 305 157) (713 617)
Result on modification (12 839) (13 565)
Depreciation 15 (201 595) (210 411)
Share of the profit of investments in subsidiaries 0 0
Banking tax (312 611) (279 147)
Profit before income taxes (1 000 943) 210 935
Corporate income tax 16 (330 923) (188 118)
Profit after taxes (1 331 866) 22 817
Attributable to:
Owners of the parent (1 331 866) 22 817
Non-controlling interests 0 0
Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777
Profit (loss) per ordinary share (in PLN) 17 (1.10) 0.02
* Data for 2020 has been restated in relation to the information presented in the report for 2020, more information on this subject is provided in Chapter 7. "Accounting policy".


Notes are integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



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