Financial and ESG Report

Consolidated Balance Sheet

Consolidated Balance Sheet


Amount ‘000 PLN Note 31.12.2021 31.12.2020* 31.12.2019*
Cash, cash balances at central banks 18 3 179 736 1 460 289 2 203 444
Financial assets held for trading 19 172 483 423 846 986 728
Derivatives 85 900 154 188 112 485
Equity instruments 145 245,1179 210
Debt securities 86 438 269 413 874 033
Non-trading financial assets mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss, other than Loans and advances to customers 20 265 903 251 107 169 610
Equity instruments 138 404 200 772 66 609
Debt securities 127 499 50 335 103 001
Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 21 17 997 699 18 642 615 21 870 164
Equity instruments 28 727 29 538 29 643
Debt securities 17 968 972 18 613 077 21 840 521
Loans and advances to customers 22 78 603 326 73 639 342 69 541 667
Mandatorily at fair value through profit or loss 362 992 1 615 753 1 498 195
Valued at amortised cost 78 240 334 72 023 589 68 043 472
Financial assets at amortised cost other than Loans and advances to customers 23 1 076 456 730 598 1 037 869
Debt securities 37 088 38 818 48 153
Deposits, loans and advances to banks and other monetary institutions 770 531 625 430 784 277
Reverse sale and repurchase agreements 268 837 66 350 205 439
Derivatives – Hedge accounting 24 14 385 21 795 43 159
Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates 25 0 0 0
Tangible fixed  assets 26 549 788 571 813 666 330
Intangible fixed assets 27 392 438 384 781 342 653
Income tax assets 785 750 665 174 541 828
Current income tax assets 8 644 3 883 10 310
Deferred income tax assets 28 777 106 661 291 531 518
Other assets 29 857 650 509 035 399 778
Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale 30 18 294 22 390 39 441
Total assets 103 913 908 97 322 785 97 842 671



Amount ‘000 PLN Note 31.12.2021 31.12.2020* 31.12.2019*
Financial liabilities held for trading 31 143 016 168 553 353 000
Derivatives 126 402 103 775 150 735
Liabilities from short sale of securities 16 614 64 778 202 265
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 93 585 673 84 915 527 85 853 762
Liabilities to banks and other monetary institutions 32 539 408 1 057 652 1 578 848
Liabilities to customers 33 91 447 515 81 510 540 81 454 765
Sale and repurchase agreements 34 18 038 248 566 90 712
Debt securities issued 35 39 568 558 560 1 183 232
Subordinated debt 36 1 541 144 1 540 209 1 546 205
Derivatives – Hedge accounting 24 614 573 738 850 426 847
Provisions 37 595 530 158 650 91 455
Pending legal issues 551 176 106 922 38 062
Commitments and guarantees given 44 354 51 728 53 393
Income tax liabilities 1 496 30 843 38 590
Current income tax liabilities 1 496 30 843 38 590
Deferred income tax liabilities 0 0 0
Other liabilities 38 2 276 374 2 219 386 2 137 498
Total Liabilities 97 216 662 88 231 809 88 901 152
Share capital 39 1 213 117 1 213 117 1 213 117
Own shares (21) (21) 0
Share premium 1 147 502 1 147 502 1 147 502
Accumulated other comprehensive income 39 (858 633) 199 857 70 093
Retained earnings, including: 39 5 195 281 6 530 521 6 510 807
– current profit /loss (1 331 866) 22 817 560 732
– other 6 527 147 6 507 704 5 950 075
Total equity 6 697 246 9 090 976 8 941 519
Total equity and total liabilities 103 913 908 97 322 785 97 842 671
31.12.2021 31.12.2020 31.12.2019
Book value of net assets 6 697 246 9 090 976 8 941 519
Number of shares (pcs.) 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777 1 213 116 777
Book value per share (in PLN) 5.52 7.49 7.37


* Data for years 2020 and 2019 has been restated in relation to the information presented in the report for 2020, more information on this subject is provided in Chapter 7. "Accounting policy".


Notes are integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

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